Sunday, December 04, 2005

Trying to be optimistic...

I know I've been really negative lately, so I apologize to the few people who do read my blog diligently. While I have had pretty good reasons to have a bad attitude, I'm trying to focus on looking on the positive side of things. So this post is forcing me to be optimistic. Let's see...

Well, I tried out for drum major this year. I'm kind of bummed that I didn't get it, but I made it to the top six, and I was the only girl to make it that far besides the dm from last year. The tryouts were way too rushed. I literally had one day to try to learn to use a mace (which I've NEVER used before at all). That thing really hurts a lot when you wack yourself in the head...and elbow...and toe. It was my first time trying out, so maybe I'll do better next year. That was pretty optimistic...go me.

This is the last week of school. Finals are going to be awful, but at least I'll be done with it. And I get a nice, long break for Christmas. Wahoo.

So, I'm working at BEHOLD this year. I'm really excited about it. I haven't been to Sumatanga in about three years, and I'm soooo ready to go back. Some of my best memories are from that place. It's beautiful. Anyway. John Draper asked me to try to recruit some more college folks (around 20 from AU) to work, so let me know if you're interested in leading a group of youth.

Hmm...more optimism...Fred's still alive! Our poor lone goldfish. We think he might have killed the others. He was the biggest, after all. Oh well. His fins are up so I suppose he's just fine and dandy.

Well, I think I've been very optimistic considering it was a very crappy day. Maybe I can keep it up. I think I'll go to bed early tonight. I took a nice nap earlier this afternoon. I'm still trying to catch up on sleep from standing outside at 2 in the morning (in 30 degree weather) beating myself up with that stupid mace. So, goodnight to all.


At 4:25 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Did I ever tell you how I found your blog? You have a interest in "Emmaus" which is the name of a church my friend goes to. He has his pastor's blog on his website as a link and his pastor has his wives blog as a link on his website and she has "Emmaus" listed as one of her Interests. I guess because I live in alabama your blog stood out to me, and I read the post about the "Shoes at the altar" and I was hooked.

At 5:18 PM , Blogger Halley said...

Wow, that was a really round about way to find my blog, but it's pretty cool that you did. I've enjoyed reading your blog too and seeing how the church is progressing. Do you know about the Walk to Emmaus?

At 1:25 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

I only know about the "Walk to Emmaus" from your site and I think I once clicked on a link to another site once.


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