Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Kids rock

Tonight I went to visit my cousins (Ted and Gina Wilson) who live right down the road from my apartment, and I had the wonderful privilage of hanging out with their grandson and my little cousin, Nathan. He is just the cutest thing ever!

I snapped the picture with my phone; isn't technology awesome? Anyway. His parents (Molly and Rod) came to pick him up so I got to hang out with them for a while too. Plus I got a new babysitting job. I absolutely love hanging out with kids. It's just so simple. A game of hide and seek can keep them entertained for hours. I guess I enjoy it so much because we're about on the same mentality level :op . But really, kids just want to have fun. I'm really looking forward to having time soon, of course, but I can't help but be excited.

I'm so bored right now. It's 9:30 and I have absolutely nothing to do. There's a lot I should be doing, like studying for A&P or writing my talk that has to be critiqued Saturday. But I even procrastinate about procrastinating, so I guess I'll go watch some TV. It's off to work at 7:30 in the morning to clean the waterpark for an hour, teach swim lessons to a kid named Cade (he really doesn't like to cooperate so that should be fun), hit the stand to protect the wonderful people of Auburn, then head straight to my 3 1/2 hour long class. Hopefully I won't have to get too wet in the morning. It's really annoying sitting there in a wet swimsuit for that long. I'm rambling (as usual) so I'll say goodnight and God bless!


At 6:11 AM , Blogger Nolan said...

Small world. I went to high school with Molly and her brother, Brad. The Wilsons are "good folks", and they're your family. That makes sense! :)


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