Saturday, December 10, 2005

More optimism

Let's see...I got elected to the Chrysalis board as a young adult rep! I served a youth advisor two years ago, but you have to wait a year before you're eligible to be elected as a young adult. I get a term of three years, wahoo! I'm excited about it. There are definitely disadvantages in being on the board. You get to see the political side of the ministry, which isn't always fun. However, it's really cool to know you play a part in helping it improve.

This has been a pretty good weekend so far. I got a nice little surprise when I got invited to hang out with some folks from Valley that I haven't seen in forever and a day. Namely, Kevin, Marv, and Derrik. We got to eat dinner, and I was supposed to see The Chronicles of Narnia with them, but the show was sold out. It was sad, but I went to the next show. It was such an awesome movie! So go see it. To top it off, I ran into my best friend (Justin) from 5th grade-high school. He left for the air force when I was about 15, so I've only seen him two or three times in the last 4 years. But he's home now! There are a bunch of great (and crazy) memories with Justin, Kevin, and Marv. I crack up just thinking about it. I'm hoping to hang out with them more often.

Well, I've got two finals Monday and one Tuesday. As much as I hate to, I should probably start studying tomorrow. Blah. Hopefully they won't be too bad. Oh, who am I kidding...they're gonna be awful. Wait, this is supposed to be an optimistic post. Um...I'm sure I'll do just fine if I study and work hard. Is that better? If I'm going to spend tomorrow studying (which I surely will...) then I better hit the sack. I need to be out of bed by at least...1 tomorrow. That's fair enough. Goodnight and God bless.


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