A sigh of relief
NO MORE SCHOOL!!! Yeah, I'm pretty excited right now. Today was the last day of classes for the semester. I've still got a couple finals (one Saturday and two next Monday), but I'm just counting my blessings. We have a band meeting tomorrow to discuss next year's marching season, as well as the trip we'll be taking. Guess where we're going.....give up? Ireland and Scotland! The mayor of Dublin, Ireland invited us to come take part in the St. Patty's Day parade. That's gonna be awesome. If anybody knows how to make some big money, let me know. Unlike other band trips where we're the ones getting paid to go, we have to fork out the money for this one. But I'm really excited.
So, I've been pretty busy lately. How about we do a photo recap?!
Newsflash!! Cari has hair!!! Okay, so I was instructed by Jonathan Herston himself to put this adorable little angel on my blog, but I couldn't pass up that cuteness even if he had never mentioned it. She's grown so much since the last time I saw her. Precious, precious, precious. It was good seeing Jothanan (as I call him) and Katie too. I really am going to come visit ya'll soon!!! If you want to see more of this little bundle of joy, check out page 3 of this album.
Saturday was the Tau Beta Sigma/Kappa Kappa Psi/Sigma Alpha Iota formal. A lot of my night was spent throwing rose petals in the air, as you can see. It was okay, but it would have been a little less boring with a date. Maybe next year. Here are the rest of the pictures from formal.
The Chrysalis hoot that I was talking about in the previous post was this past Sunday. It really was a hoot! The numbers were a little disappointing, but it's not about numbers at all. There was great fellowship, worship, and fun. Thanks to everyone who helped out in any way. I really appreciate it. I'm already looking forward to next year. We were definitely very blessed by The Crossing (Zachary and Trey) who led worship for us. All I can say is Shane & Shane better watch their backs. It was a blast getting to know these guys. Their entire mission is just to serve God, and He's using them in mighty ways. They're so humble, but I'll give them the credit they don't give themselves. :o) They rock! So keep an eye out for them. Oh, and I might just end up being their photographer, haha.
Check out the rest of the hoot pics, as well as my wonderful photoshoot for the guys. Also, they got a hold of my camera while I was running around. They had a great time doing their own little modeling session.
While I'm giving you a billion links for pictures, I also updated the pretty stuff album.
Oooo! Also, I finally wrote a second verse to a song I wrote a while back. Last night I took a break from studying and a line popped into my head. Of course, I had to finish the whole thing before I could even think about studying more or sleeping. Needless to say, I went to bed pretty late but it was worth it. Feel free to visit my songs page and let me know what you think.
I think that about covers it for now. By the way, I'm getting a haircut tomorrow. Just thought I'd let ya know. :o) And incase you were counting, this is my 50th post. That's a big deal, so how about ya leave a comment or something? I'm getting kind of sad here...not a single comment for the past few posts. Where's the love? Well, I'm about to chill out. Once again, there's no chance of going to sleep because of my wonderful neighbors and their thumping bass speakers. I just love those guys... Until I see you again, God bless.
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