Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Ah, procrastination

It's been a while since I updated, so I figured this would be a great excuse to put off studying some more. We have our first test in Human Anatomy and Physiology Friday. I'm really not looking forward to it. It's not that the material is all that hard; there's just soooo much material to try to cram into my brain. And my brain's already been overloaded lately. It's almost mid-semester, so everything's really hectic. Overall, this semester has been easier than last semester. It feels more laid back, which I like. Plus I actually look forward to going to a couple classes for once. I'm really enjoying Tae Kwon Do. I've always been interested in martial arts, so it's nice to finally formally train. I would love to continue with it after the semester is over.

On a different, more random note...I'm watching True Life: I'm a Competitive Eater on tv. They pay big money to the winner of this hot dog eating contest. Now that would be a cool job. I don't have the stomach for it...have the stomach for it, haha. I didn't even mean to do that. :op Anyway. It's pretty funny. All the people are actually pretty skinny and in shape. Sorry, I'm just trying to come up with anything to keep from studying.

So...Chrysalis flight 44 was last weekend. And of course, it was totally awesome. Saturday's the second team meeting for flight 45. I think I'm doing more for that flight that I ever have before. But I can't wait! I just love it.

Oh yeah...if anyone's interested in seeing my life in pictures (which I'm addicted to), feel free to check out my albums!

Chris Tomlin Concert/Chrysalis Flight #44
Pretty stuff
Christmas Break
Random shots
More random shots
Prattvegas Bonfire/Halloween

Okay...well this has been fun but I should probably start studying...or at least think about it. That counts for something, right?

Friday, February 10, 2006

Musical ministries...

I guess I've just been in a song writing mood lately, so I've added a few to my song blog. Feel free to check them out.

Halley's Songs

I've just been in a musical mood all around lately. Concert band is becoming more and more enjoyable. I've got to do music next Saturday for Chrysalis, then again in March. I've been thinking a lot about ministry through music. There's an organization called Worship Foundations International that sends teams of musicians all over the world, including Southeast Asia, Republic or Armenia, and Brazil. The mission is to spread God's love through song by performing, working with local musicians, working with children's camps, training, working with previously unreached people groups, and leaving a core of people to continue the work that is started. How awesome would that be? I've got a heart for music...and I've always really wanted to go on a mission trip. It seems perfect. However, there are issues that kind of get in the way. I won't know whether or not I'm accepted into nursing school (which will decide whether or not I'm taking classes this summer) until after the deadline to apply for the mission. Also, there's the whole money thing. No money, no trip. I would really like to go, but I know that whatever happens is in His will.

Another opportunity I might have is an actual job involving music ministry. I haven't talked directly to anyone yet, but I was told that Trinity United Methodist in Opelika was looking for a young adult to serve as the youth music minister. I was also told that the youth director (Steve Bass) directly asked about me. Sooo...I'm making phone calls to try to get more info and stuff. Just keep me in your prayers as I try to sort through all of this. I'm sure it will all work out. It always has.

Thursday, February 09, 2006


You....Go see it...right really, get up and go.....and take tissue.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Just incase you were wondering

1.I eat at Momma Goldberg's almost every day.
2.My favorite color is blue.
3.There's nothing I'd rather wear than jeans and a t-shirt.
4.I take my squishy pillow EVERYWHERE with me.
5.I'm addicted to facebook.
6.I'm in love with ice-cream.
7.Scratch my back or play with my hair and I will love you forever.
8.My ulnas are too short so my wrists make fun noises.
9.I love riding horses.
10.I never put milk in my cereal.
11.I'm very good at arguing.
12.I still love to skate.
13.I've saved two people from drowning.
14.I'm fluent in ubbi dubbi.
15.My six front teeth are fake...long story.
16.I want a motorcycle.
17.Jesus is my homeboy.
18.You can't beat McDonalds fries.
19.I'm OCD about some things.
20.I'm obsessed with pictures.
21.I like being "one of the guys."
22.I'm a 6th generation ninja in,really.
23.I eat all the icing off leftover cake or cupcakes.
24.My hair is naturally very curly.
25.Chrysalis and Emmaus are my heavens or Earth.
26.I can do almost all of David Blaine's magic tricks.
27.Naps are awesome.
28.I'm totally awesome at Disney's Scene It.
29.I always have to be doing something with my hands...just watch me, but don't laugh.