Friday, September 30, 2005

Warning: Extreme Randomness

Yeah...I'm really bored so I'm just gonna talk about some really random thoughts.

- Okay...I absolutely love oranges. I cut them in half and squeeze every bit of juice out of them. It's my favorite snack ever, and that makes me feel good because oranges are a lot healthier than chips. While I LOVE sucking the juice out of oranges, I'm not a huge fan of orange juice. I'll drink it, but I'm not crazy about it. Maybe it's because I didn't actually squeeze the juice myself. I dunno...

- There's nothing I'd rather wear than jeans and a t-shirt. Sure, I can get dressed up when I want to, but what's the point in getting dressed up for no reason? A t-shirt might not be as flattering as a skin tight princess tee, but I for one enjoy breathing. I just like being comfortable.

- I tend to take up really strange (and random) hobbies. For example, I am proudly a fluent speaker of Ubbi Dubbi. Most people have never heard of the language...I've come across maybe 2 people I could carry on a conversation with. Subo gubo lubearn ubbi dubbi rubight nubow!

- I'm pretty OCD about some things. I have to eat my food completely proportionally. Main course, sides, dessert, drink, everything. Eating one whole thing then moving to the next is just wrong. We actually got into a theological debate about this was very interesting discussing and arguing different eating habits with a table of 5 preachers. Very funny. Good times.

- I need to pay more attention in class. However, my inability to pay attention could have a huge impact on national security. I have some serious ADD, so I have to find more time consuming things to do besides doodling. Sooo, last week I actually invented a new written language. It's pretty cool if I do say so myself. After a couple of days, I was able to write it just as fast as English. I think I'm going to sell it to the government. Evidently there's only one code that military personnel haven't been able to crack, and that was some ancient Indian language. Well, my code is gonna be added to that list. I'm gonna rich...

- There are only a few things that calm me down when I'm really upset. First: ice-cream. It doesn't do the trick alone, but boy does it help. Second: Running. Very stressful amounts of physical activity help set me straight. Third: Going for a long ride. This is my most common form of stress relief. I hop in my car, roll down the windows, and turn the speakers all the way up. Blare some Mark Schultz and Kutless, and I'm feeling better. Fourth: Crying. Yeah, I'll admit it, I'm a cryer. Not really in front of people, but I'm a bonified cry-baby. It's okay to cry!

- I hate tomatoes...but I love ketchup. I hate sour cream..I hate onion...but I love sour cream and onion chips.

- I can't fall asleep if it's quiet. I sleep with the tv on every night, but it can't just be on any channel. It has to be on something I actually like, even though I'm not watching it. Not sure why, but that's just the way it is.

Well, that should be enough random stuff for now. I'll update if I think of some more. Peace out.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

My prayer

Lord, give me a heart of compassion
Give me a heart of mercy and forgiveness
Give me a heart to love those who cause me pain
So that I may demonstrate the unfailing love You have shown me.
Lord, give me an attitude of praise
That in all things, I can give you glory
Give me an attitude of thankfulness
That I may find blessings through any and every circumstance
Lord, give me a mind of wisdom through Your word
So that I may live day to day in service to Your will
Give me a body of purity and unity with You and You alone
That I may be an example of faith to all around me
Lord, give me conviction
That I may turn from my sinful nature and walk humbly by Your side.
Give me a spirit of joy and happiness
So that I may spread it to and share it with others
Lord, give me the ability to realize that I can't save the world
Give me the ability to place the world in Your hands and not my own
Lord, give me Your presence
That I may have the strength to endure all that we face together.

Lord, take away my pride
That I may look beyond my selfishness to see Your omnipotence
Take away the distractions of this world
That I may devote my focus solely to You
Lord, take away my own desires that I hold for self-glorification
That Your desires will become my desires
And that those desires serve to glorify Your name alone

Lord, take away me and give me YOU
That I may be hidden behind Your cross now and forever.


Monday, September 19, 2005


Man, that makes me mad. I just spent 30 minutes typing a really long blog. I went to post it and I lost internet connection, which erased the entire thing. It's been a crappy couple of weeks and I felt better after typing it. But now I'm just angry and I don't feel like typing it all over again right now. So I'm going to bed or something. Night.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Barefoot Blessing

I tell you what, I was about ready to go move some mountains after Encounter last night. It's always awesome, but what happened was just incredible. After singing a few songs, we watched a slideshow of photographs depicting the damage and suffering caused by Katrina. It was really humbling to realize that so many people were left with absolutely nothing. After the lesson, Matt (leader dude) announced that we were going to take up an offering, which was no surprise. But then, Matt told us about an idea he had. He took one of his shoes off and showed it to us. He explained that he had just gotten those shoes from only a week before. He had talked to the leader of a support ministry in Texas and asked what would happen if he sent 1000 pairs of shoes to them. The man's response was, "Brother, they'd be gone in a day." So, Matt proceeded to take the other shoe off and put them in front of the alter. He didn't really even come out and ask anyone else to do anything. "Money, shoes, prayers, whatever you feel lead to give, just give it." So people started filing down the aisles of the sanctuary toward the front of the church. Then they walked back up the I've never been too fond of wearing shoes, but I've never been so happy to be barefoot in my entire life. We ended up collecting $8,200.25 to send to Louisiana just in one night. I couldn't even begin to say how many shoes were up there. Some people even took off their shirts and put them in the stack. About 15 Bibles were also given to send. Here are a few pictures of just a few of the shoes at the alter.

I bet people riding down the street were thinking some pretty crazy thoughts when they saw hundreds of college students walking around barefoot. But maybe this will show people that this generation has a passion for God and serving others. There are so many people here in Auburn that live life day by day for the sole purpose of "having a good time." I can't count how many people I've overheard just today talking about getting drunk this weekend for the football game. People my age often get a bad rap, which I can understand to an extent. But we're here to show the world that there are so many of us that are willing to pay any price to answer the call. We're fired up and ready to go. We didn't give away the shoes off our feet for self-glorification or bragging rights. I want to share this amazing event with others to show that even the smallest offerings can bring glory to God. I just pray that whoever ends up with my shoes realizes how much God loves them. It's really cool to think that my American Eagle flip flops that I've worn so many times will end up on a stranger's feet. What a blessing! Man, what a blessing.