I stand in awe again
Ya know, on days like today (and every other day for that matter), I really wonder how people could not believe in the existance of God. I just can't comprehend it. But honestly, I think we can learn quite a bit from atheists. They have more faith than I'll ever have. It sounds crazy, but think about it. The idea that all the order around us came from nothing and isn't governed at all takes a boo-coodle of faith. I'm just blown away by everything around me. You don't have to look very far to see the amazing "proof" if you will that God exists. Sooo here's a short list of the things I'm usually observing/pondering when I'm just dumbfounded. Try em out if you can.
1. Watch the sun rise
2. Watch the sun set
3. Move your thumb. Really. Just move it around every which way.
4. Take an Anatomy/Physiology class
5. Watch a baby sleep
6. Lay down and look at the stars
7. Look at the ocean
8. Go to sleep. Then wake up.
9. Try to list all the blessings in your life
10. Think about every event, good or bad, and consider that there are no "accidents" or
It's just incredible. And most of those are just very superficial things. The main source of faith in God for me comes simply from what He's done in my life. Especially right now, I'm just in awe of how He ALWAYS provides. Things have been rough lately, and at first glance I considered them losses. But I guess you could say I've discovered blessings in disguise. First of all, I know I've been talking about how worried I was about getting into nursing school. Well, turns out I can't really even apply right now because of a rule involved prerequisites that I (or anybody else) was aware of until now. It's going to put me a little behind, but I get to take the summer off...which means I can FINALLY work as a counselor at Camp Sumatanga. I've wanted to do this for years, but I've always been busy during the summer. I'm planning on working an elementary and a jr. high camp. I know it's going to be such a blessing. It was for me growing up, and I'm excited to be a part of that experience for others. Second, relationships are coming to an end. I'm not going to lie, it's been hard and I've been really hurt. But I know God has a purpose in it. I need friends that are going to build me up and strengthen my walk with Christ. And God continuosly places those people in my life. These past few days, I've been surrounded by opportunities to be around true friends, even some new ones. God truly is amazing! I don't know how I could ever doubt Him...
Going back to the existance of God...many people claim to believe in God and assume that makes them a Christian. The mere belief isn't enough. It's completely clear in the Bible that Satan and demons believe in God. For example, consider the guy that was possessed in the book of Mark. Legion (the many demons that have possessed this man) says, "What have I to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of the most high God?" They call Jesus by name...and it's obvious they're freaking out. I don't blame them. So believing in God is not the determining factor that makes a Christian. It's all about relationship. So many people get caught up in the idea of religion. It's not about religion at all! It's all centered around an intimate relationship with Christ. It's about laying down your own life and allowing Christ to live through you. It requires sacrifice. It's not always easy. In fact, it's really hard. But the rewards are out of this world...literally!