Not what I expected
Okay, well I was looking forward to this World Lit. class, but now I'm having mixed feelings. I was excited about discussing passages from the Bible in class, but it's not really going the way I hoped for. My professor definitely isn't a Christian, which is very evident in how he goes about teaching the class. He treats the Bible as a book full of stories, and nothing more. When discussing passages such as the creation of Adam, Noah's ark, and the whole deal with Job, he says that these stories were written to teach us lessons. He completely abolishes the idea that it actually happened. Another thing that really upsets me is how my professor (and most of the people in the class) talks about God and Christianity in general. We've read Genesis, Exodus, and Job so far, which are all the in the Old Testament. The Old Testament focuses more on the wrath and power of God, rather than the loving and forgiving aspects of God like in the New Testament. One girl made a statement today in class. Laughing, she said, "After reading this, I've realized that God is really mean." Of course, my professor agreed with her. We aren't assigned any readings from the New Testament, which really disappoints me. I know that God's not mean, he's just and fair. I just wish the other people in the class could see the entire picture of who God is. He's not one extreme or the other. Yes, He does have more power than we could fathom and He has a mighty wrath, but He also shows unconditional love and forgiveness. Their views on God are so shallow and one-sided. It takes a lot to get me really upset and fired up, but after today's class, I was about ready to scream. They basically mock the Bible and everything it stands for. Even though I am having a hard time with it, I do think it's going to make me stronger in the long run. I've discussed my beliefs with non-believers before, and it was pretty easy. I didn't have to defend myself against legitimate points. My professor loves to find inconsistencies and things that don't make sense in the Bible, and I'll admit that some of his arguments are very thought provoking. It makes me examine my own beliefs, but God just reaffirms everything time and time again. I know that it's going to make me have a firmer foundation with my faith, even if I am gaining it through these circumstances. Hopefully I can use this class to stand up for the God I know and the God I serve. But I know I can't do it alone. So, with His help and your prayers, I'm gonna put on my armor and make the best out of this class, doggonit!